Fiddler on the Roof (video)

What can anyone say about the school play this year? Where to begin? Lets go back a couple of months when we watched the movie Fiddler On The Roof to get an idea of what we could do. It fit like a glove.
It was a funny musical with many actors, each one intresting in their own way, but also it was full of emotions and most importantly a great message within: No matter your social/economical status, no matter your race, your age or your religion we are all the same. We are all equal having the same rights and most of all the right of being free making our own choices and making our own happiness. Also Fiddler On The Roof is about how young generations feel the need to change the world around them, how they go against their parents traditions and in the end they change everything.
Such a play would guarentee great fun but also hard work. So the rehearsals started. Truth to be told it was getting tiring sometimes but it was also fun. With the help of the director Dimitri Siounta and his little theatrical games we mostly had fun during the rehearsals. And the last days before the play came, bringing with them more presure, more nerves and more shouts but also more excitement and more hard work.
The last rehearsal, although being a Sunday morning and Heavens know I hate mornings, was a blast. When we got all together on stage to practise the bow, we started dancing to the song from the play 'If I were a richman' and then George Papadokostakis had the idea to put the famous song 'Daddy cool' on which ironically fit the main character Tevye, played by Kostas Loukopoulos, perfectly. It was hilarious.
When the time came for the play to start mostly those who hadn't participated before got a bit anxious but still you could walk outside and still catch the smell of excitement in the air. It's hard to say the feeling you get when you are on stage performing. You cant explain to someone who has never performed on stage what it feels like and for sure there are no words to describe it 100%. But if I had to describe it I would say that it felt right. Just that. You get up on stage and you feel like home, you know that you are here to do this, you are here with the rest of the casting you have been brought together with people you may or may not know, like or may not like or even people that you are in love with or are in love with you, but on stage there is no you and there is no them. there is a WE. WE are a team and it's not a team made of me or you, its a team made of the characters. You feel that you are the character. You feel what the character feels and you act according to that.
Anyway I could keep mumbling about what it is to act but there are some matters I need to attend too so to end this I would like to say that it was an amazing experience no matter how bored I looked during rehearsals and it was really special for me because in that way almost 7 years of being a student at Kyttea came to an end since I passed the proficiency. Soooo I guess what I'm trying to say is a big THANK YOU to every single person that had something to do with this play. From teachers and mrs Kyttea to all the teens that participated and Dimitri the director thank you for sharing this amazing experience with me and making it all come true and I love you all you are amazing!!! :)

P.S. Please note that I havent used any kind of offensive comments in this review which is so unlike me!

by Alex Karajonnis


  1. You did it! You moved us deeply! You... I wish I were at your age to be able to use all the ...appropriate language of you age. We thank you kids!

  2. Haha yea I was in a weird mature/wise/emotional mood when I was writting this so...yea. Hehe :P

    Alex Karajohnn

  3. Great job, Alex! Never knew you had such a poetic streak in you ;)
