On Saturday 13th of April I went to Athens with Ms Katerina Kyttea and my mom for the essay competition. Nine other children and I who won the competition went there to write another essay about the environment. The topic dealt with how teachers and students can help to make schools more environment-friendly. Later we went to eat with the other nine children, their parents and teachers. I felt happy and proud. It's an amazing experience that I will never forget. This is the essay I wrote which won in the competition.

Christine Miliori

Essay Contest 2012-2013
Going Green: Helping to Create Environment Friendly Schools

In our days schools can become more environment-friendly. Traditional schools can become greener if teachers and students implement everyday practical steps into their routine.
A good way for schools to become environment-friendly is recycling. Teachers can teach students how they can recycle. First of all they must have different recycling bins for different material, different for glass, other for paper and other for plastic. Also we can recycle food by composting. Food can be composted and we don't need to throw it once there is a way to recycle it. Another way is to recycle books so we don't cut trees down all the time. These are some ways that teachers can teach students to recycle and schools become environment-friendly.
Also we can conserve energy. When the weather is sunny we have to open the curtains so the light of the sun will get in and we don't need to turn on the lights. We can put efficient light bulbs so we will not waste much electricity and we can turn off computers for the same reason. I think this is the best thing we can do to conserve energy.
In conclusion if teachers teach students how they can recycle and how they can conserve energy schools will become more environment-friendly.

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