Should people own pets?

Do you think that people should own pets?

We´d love for you to share your opinions and experiences 
with the students of our school.
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  1. In my opinion lovely people that have enough free time and money for a pet, can take care of a pet and shouldn't leave it alone. These people should have a pet. The pet can help them to ease their stress and keep them companion

  2. In my opinion is the people can't have a pet because some people torture pets and can't take care of them properly

  3. From my point of view people can have pets. A pet is a companion and it eases your stress. Also it makes you responsible as you take care of it. But to tell you the truth some people aren't responsible enough to have a pet. If one of those people own a pet the pet in most cases die or are treated badly. So people should own pets only if they can take care of them.

  4. The way I see it, owning a pet it's a big responsibility, so you must give time for them. If you can't, then you shouldn't get a pet and let it live in poor conditions or treat it badly. A pet owner must be responsible and take a good care of the pet. A lot of people say that animals can help with easing stress and keep you a great company. Animals can also make a mess or act aggressive. That's why some people are afraid of them and find them annoying. Pets can actually be your companion and if you train them, they will listen to you and that would be amazing. Personally, I can say that pets can be the best friends to you and it's fantastic the feeling of having your own.

  5. l think people should own pet's because pets are funny and very interesting the rabbit is so cute and most of people love .

  6. I strongly believe that having a pet is a great way to save some animals from poor conditions and cruelty {for example:strays}.I think owning a pet makes you more responsible because you have to take care of it . From my point of view, having a pet can ease your stress , for the reason that taking care of an animal keeps you concentrated. A good reason to have a pet is because pets can keep you company too .

  7. I think that it's good to have pets.When you have a pet you take care of it and make it's life better.Especially when they're strays.They make your life better too because it is funny to play with them and they keep you company when you're alone.But I don't like when people treat them badly and don't respect them.Sometimes pets like dogs or cats may be a responsibility and make a mess in the house but that's not a reason to keep them in cages, hit them or any other cruel things that people do to them.They have a life too so we have to think about how they feel too.<3

  8. I think that it's great to have a pet, but sometimes it is not. Pets are friendly and love people a lot but my opinion is that it isn't good for them to live in small home because they don't feel free. Pets are really good friends and some of them protect us. For example, people who are blind and live alone train dog can help them a lot.

  9. In my opinion I think that we should own pets because they keep us company when we are alone,They ease our stress and we should have something to take care of,but if we are afraid or annoyed with pets we shouldn't own pets because we can treat them badly.

  10. In my opinion I think that we should own pets because they keep us company when we are alone,They ease our stress and we should have something to take care of,but if we are afraid or annoyed with pets we shouldn't own pets because we can treat them badly.

  11. In my view,I believe that people should own pets if they can take care of them. Pets are a big responsibility and a great companion. But to tell you the truth some pet owners see pets as money machines. They breed pets and then sell their babies. If they don't all get sold they end up on the street or they get tortured by being in a cage. So having a pet is great only if you are responsible enough to take care of it.

  12. In my view,I believe that people should own pets if they can take care of them. Pets are a big responsibility and a great companion. But to tell you the truth some pet owners see pets as money machines. They breed pets and then sell their babies. If they don't all get sold they end up on the street or they get tortured by being in a cage. So having a pet is great only if you are responsible enough to take care of it.

  13. In my view,I believe that people should own pets if they can take care of them. Pets are a big responsibility and a great companion. But to tell you the truth some pet owners see pets as money machines. They breed pets and then sell their babies. If they don't all get sold they end up on the street or they get tortured by being in a cage. So having a pet is great only if you are responsible enough to take care of it.

  14. I think that people should own pets.They can keep you company,ease your stress and make you responsible.Pets are kept safe,healthy and away from danger.The wild is there home,but if animals are sick people can help them by taking them to their homes.However I also think that some people shouldn't own pets because they may be afraid or annoyed by them.Some people buy pets.Instead they should get pets who don't have homes.

  15. I both agree and dissagree with having pets. Personally i think that having a petcan be good. It can keep you company and ease your stress. At the same time I dissagree because most people arent capable of having pets and they just cant take the responsibility. Especially some rich people who can get acces to some rare animals and animals of extintion like lions.Personally I think tht very little people should own a pet.

  16. In my view,I strongly believe that having a pet keeps you company.Also,a per eases your stress because it makes you feel funny and happy and you don't feel lonely. I am a let owner and I feel very good because it keeps me company and I have the responsibility of taking care of an animal

  17. I think that owning a pet is a blessing and also a big responsibility!!! Yes, pets are adorable and you love spending time with them!! You enjoy playing games with them, pet them, take them for long walks, but you must be really sure before you adopt one. They too have needs and their biggest is YOU!!! They need your attention, love and care!!! So be really careful once you decide on adopting one!!! They need you as much as you need them!!!

  18. The way I see it,I think that people should own pets, but only the people that loves animals and want to have a pet. People can give the love and the protetion that animals need. So the animals have the opportunity ti be happy

  19. I have both negative and positive opinion because animals ease your stress,provide a companionship friend and kips,you company.Also i disagree because the pets need to clean.Pets aren't in their natural habitat,some pets are dangerous for you and the pets.I tell this because I have a pet and it isn't so good.

  20. I couldn't agree more that people should have pets.A pet is like a friend,it's good to have a pet so you never feel alone, another reason to have a pet is that it makes you more responsible. But if you are not sure and able to take care of it you shouldn't go and get one.❤
