Lady Gaga

Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, best known by her stage name Lady Gaga, is an American singer, songwriter and musician. She was born on 20th March 1986 in New York.

When Lady Gaga was a little girl, she would sing along on her mini plastic tape recorder to Michael Jackson's and Cundi Lauper's hits and was swung in the air in her daddy's arms to the sounds of the Rolling Stones and the Beatles. The child would dance around the table at fancy Upper West Side restaurants using the breadsticks as a baton.

At the age of 20, she began working for Interscope Records as a songwriter, writing songs for pop act such as the Pussycat Dolls. She has been influenced by glam rockers such as David Bowie and Queen as well as '80s pop singers like Madonna and Michael Jackson. Later, singer-songwriter and record producer Akon recognised the Gaga also had vocal talent and he signed her to a joint deal with his own label. Then, she started to work on her own new material for her debut album. To date, Gaga's best hit singles are "Just Dance", which was nominated for Best Dance Recording at the 51st Grammy Award, and pokerface.

It's no wonder that little girl from a good Italian-New York family, turned into the exhibitionist, multi-talented singer-songwriter with a flair for theatrics that she is today.

by Konstantina Dotsika


  1. another one influenced by great artist like MJ Beatles Queen.... so the question is.. why not listen to the original ones and instead you listen to the nowdays artist who admit they have been influenced and usualy copy those who have led such a succeseful carreer as the artist named above. I just dont get it why should you listen to someone who is influenced by MJ(as an example) and you dont listen to MJ from the begining

  2. You're always so negative adout others.I think you should let them listen whatever they want and you must stop listen MJ because he is like a G A Y !!!

  3. oh shut the hell up i m not judging anyone just saying that why should you listen to someone who copies or has been influenced by a better artist and not listen to the better artist from the begining. I m not talkin about MJ he is just an example that goes for everyone coz if there were no beatles there would have been no rock bands as you know them and if it werent for michael there wouldnt have been artist from beyonce,akkon, timberlake to sakis rouvas and i m not saying that they have admit it themselves. all i m saying is that it doesnt make any sense so next time grow a brain before you talk. and NO ONE beside michael and god can say if he is gay or not AND NO ONE besides GOD can judge a person who has dedicated his life trying to heal this god damn world trying to save children with cancer by donating millions to charity and by leting sick children and their families live in his house with asking nothing in return. and besides that when you oranyone else becomes better than michael jackson and mannage to sell more than 700 million copies all over the world and with one single album manages to sell over 140 million copies and keeps selling after 25 years then go ahead and judge. until then shut your face and judge first yourself and then the others

  4. "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."-Voltaire.

    Guys, people have different opinions. This used to happen in the past and will continue. We can't shut sb up, MJ, because we don't like his/her opinion. It's her right to have it.

    Katerina, you can't insult sb because he likes Michael Jackson and MJ you can't insult the others for listening something you consider "cheap".

    My opinion, music is something that evolves, like everything in life. We can't stop listening to new artists, because the Beatles, or Jackson, influenced them. Beatles must have been influenced by sb else and this is how it goes. We all listen to music, because it makes us feel better and it shouldn't be a reason to fight.

  5. first of all shut the hell up was for the gay part secondly of course the beatles and MJ have too been influenced but they made something new something bigger and it is that new artist are based upon. no one said stop listening to new artist but its is unbelievable to find pple who dont know the beatles or Michael and listen to todays music. thats what i think unreasonable and i m not saying stop listening to the new artist all i m saying is do a little research and try to find out were the new guys came to be what they are. its a shame not to know a few songs from beatles and all those bands and artist that no one has been better because if you try to find a more succesful english rock band than beatles you wont and if you try to find a better pop dancer/singer than mj you wont

  6. BELT UP and stop critisize me.You know that he's a
    'BIG GAY',admit it.If he's not you wouldn't make up yourself with a LIPSTICK,at karaoke party last Saturday,pretending him.So,shut your mouth and don't say to everybody what kind of music must listen.You 're not a KING because you like MJ.......He's successfull but be COOL he's not the best.........

  7. really?? not the best?? name someone better. someone who has sold more than 140 million with one album only one name come on name one who can do whatever michael does better. and i dont think i said listen to THAT kind of music in any of my comments what i said was do a little RESEARCH so once again GROW A BRAIN BEFORE YOU OPEN YOUR MOUTH

  8. Ooo really???You're so unreleated about this thing...Now eat your egg and shut up I'm not you're relative to speak to me like that.......Why you're so negative about others???

  9. PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!Can you relax?????Each person listens to the music he likes that doesn't mean that if you don't like the music sb else likes you must insult him!!!!Just say you're opinio about the artists!FOR HEAVENS SHAKE!!!!!!

  10. what Kostas said previously was right. I want to give an advice to MJ :'sit & think' little boy that MJ isn't a God although the 'great' things he 'has' done, he has also been involved with the most unimportant and illegal things!!!!!!!!!! What i want to say is that he's the most inappropriate person for being admired by young children!!!!

  11. to penny: thats what the tabloid says and as an idiot you believe it.(would say as a greek citizen but its the same) for the love of god please name one artist the media hasnt insult and said lies about them or made fun of them. just because you read it in a magazine or see it on a tv screen dont mean its factual. thats so ignorant. those who believe what the media says are screwed no offense and not only on that matter but generaly everyone knows the media is manipulated and cannot be trusted with the truth.
    oh and btw how did the whole little boy thing started god damn it i m 16 i m not that little jeez relax

  12. fist of all you acting like a baby,that's why I call you little boy!!!!!although you're 16 you behave like 6 years old child!!!!!!secondly MJ is the most stupid singer in the world.......not because you admire him and I want to be aggressive with you but this is the bitter truth

  13. I couldn't agree more with MJ about the fact that media insult artists and their work...The media just don't seem to know what the word art means!

  14. Bravo Kosta go ahead......I'm with you

  15. yea sure MJ is the stupiest singer in the world thats why every new artist has something to copy from know thats makes a hell of sense hadnt thought of it this way coz if you take a momment and look michael is stupid the new ones copy him so that makes them even more stupid. the way i see it michael is again better...mouhahahaha

  16. oh and thanx kosta nice too see that ppl know that the media is full of crap.....

  17. Yeah sure.Name one who copies him...And if there are some people, that doesn't mean that his the best..!!!!You know there aren't so many different movements to do........

  18. kids you don't have to be negative!!Besides everyone has the right to listen the music he likes...

  19. The point is not to name sb who copies MJ..The point is to understand that some''artists''tend to copy classic artists.And i think that you will agree that MJ is CLASSIC.Maybe ''artists''copy classic artists because it is a certain way to succeed!As for the thing you said that there are not many movements.....Come on now!Be serious!Without offense.....

  20. Oooo yeah tell me now that you support MJ.....OMG.Don't mix the things.This argument is between me and the LITTLE MJ......I know that you try to help us but it doesn't work...
    also you MJ you don't know nothing aboyt this thing...............

  21. there kostas said what i ve been trying to tell you all this time...aaaah how does it feel now? oh no did you lose?? ooooh yea can you feel it baby? hooohooo!! and what the hell are you talking about no moves he made his own moves i m sure ppl can make their own too... and obviously, since you see kosta agreing with what i ve said artist copying those previously successefull, you tell him to stay out of this....ts ts ts..... and only in a few comments above you said bravo kosta i m with you..... well be honest...hurts doesnt it?..

  22. aa forgot to name someone who copies michael well in his early times rouvas did his style a bit then we have chris brown whose moves are those of michael in a worse version then there is timberlake then there is akkon, beyonce has admitted being greatly inspired by michael britneay spears again admited being inspired by him our little hottie lady gaga being inspired by him, his sister janet copying a lot of his moves but she is his sister so she doesnt does that seem to name a few?? and just keep in your small brain that besides rouva the rest have said it themselves i ve seen them talk about him saying how they wanted to be like him and how much they were inspired to start singing or dancing since their early age...... just drop it katerina you are saying nonsense seriously now if you check in youtube interviews about thriller 25th anniversarry you will see akkon and beyonce saying that and if you watch a video of michael best dance moves and chris brown or timberlakes you will see no diffrence besides michael natural talent. seriously you got nothing besides all the jokin and hate you have to admit that michael no matter how much gay he might be or whatever he has done to his face he is a really talented artist that lots have as an idol and inspiration and that no one has managed till now to become known as the one who outdone michael jackson in his movements and success in the biggest selling records of all times. thats why he is known as the king of pop thats why beatles is the top of rock thats why elvis is still ''alive'' because simply no man has managed to become better up till now. hopefully for the history of music someone will but one ting is for sure that michael jackson beatles elvis and all those historical faces in the history of music will be remembered for at least 2 more generations while lady gaga chris brown timberlake and the rest will be forgotten before they die......

  23. OK OK I lose.Now shut your mouth.You have to know that I didn't change my opinion about MJ..........don't speak to me again

  24. lady gaga is my favourite singer . my favourite song of this singer is just dance .
    by panayiotis panayiotoy

  25. ooooh thank god finally i won i never cared about your opinion ppl are ignorant judging those they dont know all i cared was about making you tired of this and finally admit you lost and as we can see i managed to do this......aaaaaaah once again i won.........

  26. Sorry guys but I'll stop that. No more comments will be published that have to do with music and mj.
