Powerslave Iron Maiden

Powerslave is a studio album from the famous English heavy metal band Iron Maiden.The album was released in 1984 being one of their best albums and contains one of their longest songs the epic rhyme of the ancient mariner which is a lyrical ballad written in 1797-8 by one of the founders of British romantic literature Samuel Taylor Coleridge.Only Iron Maiden could turn such a poem into such an epic song. Powerslave also contains some of their greatest hits such as:

2 Minutes to Midnight one of their heaviest craziest song. The song talks about the terrible things happening in war and is totally against war.
Aces High, another great song by Iron Maiden which presents the story of a British RAF pilot fighting against the German Luftwaffe during the Battle of Britain.
Losfer Words which is an instrumental one.Flash of the Blade which has a god damn great intro that proves Iron Maiden know how to get it out of you.Powerslave which is a tale of an Egyptian pharaoh.Back in the Village another amazing heavy metal song with amazing riffs and music by Bruce Dickinson and Adrian Smith
The last one that remains is the song The Duellists written by Steve Harris similar to the instrumental Losfer Words but very different after the intro.

This isn't just an album is what you can call true music. Listen to it and I'm sure you'll agree.

by Motorhead


  1. I'm sure it'll be very interesting!!!!!!!!!!!
    You listen great music with meaning.......
    It's not like MJ Who Alex karajohn L O V E and become C R A Z Y !!!!!!!!!!! ^.^

  2. first of all what makes you pathetic little mortal think that michael jackson has no meaning in his songs? (to name a few heal the world, we've had enough,earth song,black or white,history,we are the world,scream,they dont care about us look it up before you open your mouth) secondly iron maiden: bring your daughter to the slaughter...hmmm..yea deep meaning..i have a lot of vocabulary to use but none of the words will be accepted but anyway i also listen to black sabbath alice cooper bad religion gogol bordello (they have music with true meaning) and just so you know because i cant use inappropriate words in here that doesnt mean i wont kick your batt when i get the chance oh and btw Tony started with listening to michael jackson and he was like me back then just so that there are no misunderstandin

  3. I'm tired of this let me alone!!!!Admit that MJ is........wow and........ha ha ha

  4. first of all its leave me alone and not let me alone if you want to use let me you can say let me go secondly how can you judge what do you know of him? only from his looks you judge? thats stupid. you dont knwo anything about him only what the tabloid says coz if you knew you would be a fan so let the judgement to those who can judge

  5. Like you??? ha ha ha ha.You think you can judge me and others??? You're wrong little boy!!!!Learn how to speak and then talk to me.Ooo thanks for your advice.You know with 'let me alone'or'leave me alone'whatever!!!!!!!!

  6. Whatever!What is the matter with you PEOPLE?????????Why don't you try to get along with eachother???

  7. coz i simply hate her its not that hard to realise... :)

  8. I hate you too and this is obvious...but it's not so good to tell it to everybody!!!!!you are so rude......and .........(that vocabulary it's inappropriate)

  9. oh no now i m so insulted and sorry i might as well go and cry in the meanwhile why dont you go and rot

  10. Ok go and cry 'little boy'.Now I'm right that I call you LITTLE...ha ha ha ha 'THE LITTLE MJ.........'you're so rediculous

  11. ok guys.1 bring ur daughter to the slaughter is a fine piece reached number one on the charts and talks about when a girl hs her first period its not bad but it was about a movie with that subject.2 maiden have great subjects in theirsongs and in whole disks.i mean great subject u d never imagine always somethin new and great,as for mj ofcourse he has songs with deep meaning , anyway if u want to fight do it out of hear and u better listen to the album

  12. The songs:2 minutes to midnight,aces high, losfer words, flash of the blade, back in the village & the duellists are...........................P E R F E C T !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^.^
