A member of my family that I admire

The member of my family that I admire the most is my cousin Yannis.

He is 26 years old. He is tall and handsome. He has got an oval face with big brown eyes, a well shaped nose and short, curly, black hair. He also wears modern clothes and he is very stylish. The best thing on him is his character. He is very patient and polite with everyone. He is also clever and he knows many things about cars.

As a child he used to live with his parents. He used to like school and he was a good student because he used to like reading but he also used to like playing. His hobbies were two: chess and cycling.

Now he still lives with his parents at home. He works at his father’s garage and he helps his father at his work. He isn’t married yet.

I admire him because he is handsome and because he works at a garage.

by Bill Panos