Nowadays the majority of the people move away from their country to another. The Greeks in 1960 or 1970 usually moved to USA This has advantages and disadvantages.

First of all a very good advantage is the better weather. Many immigrants come to Greece only for this reason.
Secondly a person who moves to another country learn new things about the traditions and the culture of the new country. Generally he learns how it is to live in another country.
Finally , in some cases, many people have better salaries in the new country . This is very important because this is main factor of moving to another country is the job .

On the other hand moving away from your country has some drawbacks as well. Firstly, you will miss your family members because you will not see them agin. You also lose their support and their affection .
On top of that there are some communication problems. It's hard to make friends when you don't speak the language. Lastly after many years of living to a foreign country ,you learn their culture and their traditions and your homeland is strange to you.

To sum up moving to another country is a decision of each one of us may have to make sometime in our lives. If you have a little support from your family, it's a bit easier.
By George Kalaritis

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