Strange stories


 F Class students wrote some strange stories. Read on and tell us what you think.

 A visit to Smooz 22

by Gus Mastrokostas 

It is the year 3034. We are on our way to visit Smooz 22, a planet in a faraway galaxy. Our invisible spaceship flies for months past planets, stars and galaxies, then we arrive. We open the door and look out - Smooz 22 is very rocky. There is an alien behind a rock. It is ugly and blue. "Help me!" shouts the ugly, blue alien. "Some monsters from another planet have killed everybody but me. I need to escape!" Suddenly we see the monsters. We all run to the invisible spaceship and jump in. We pull the ugly, blue alien in the ship and quickly fly away. The monsters are below. We fly back to Earth and the ugly, blue alien teaches us about Smooz 22 and the faraway galaxy.




  The unhappy princess
by Helen Athanasopoulou

Once upon a time there was a King and a Queen. They lived in a lovely golden castle and had a beautiful daughter, Eleni. But Eleni was very unhappy. She never laughed or smiled. "We will give a violin to the person who can make Eleni happy, " said the Queen. A musician came and played the drums, a fairy said a magic spell, and a joker came and told jokes, but Eleni did not smile or laugh. A young teacher came to work at the Queen's castle. He came with his dog. The little dog liked to play. One day Eleni saw the dog and started to smile - then she laughed. The Queen heard her daughter and saw the dog. The dog was happy to get a violin!



A scary story

by Kostas Papademetriou


I was staying with my Grandfather in an old house in the forest. One night I wanted to go out. "Where are you going?" said my Grandfather. "To the forest," I said. "But it's getting dark! And a storm is coming. All the wolves come out when there is a storm. Don't go near them. And don't touch them!" I went out and saw lots of wolves. I wasn't scared. I went near them and touched them. Then I remembered what my Grandfather had said. Too late! My teeth turned green and my skin was covered with scorpions. I screamed and ran into the forest. In the middle of the forest I saw a wolf. Now I live with the wolf, and when it's dark and stormy I go into the forest and scare people. Maybe I will come out and scare you.





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