Day trip to Athens 2013

A Visit to the Athens Car Museum
  On Sunday the 24th of February 2013 four classes of “KYTTEA” foreign language schools went to the car museum in Athens.
We learnt a lot about cars. How people made them. We saw old cars, very beautiful cars. We saw a very big car and I'm sure many people could sit there for sure more than five. We can use some of these cars until now.
It's very interesting for someone to know the history of the car. It was a very beautiful experience and       I'd  like to visit the museum again someday.
Kalliroi Garbounof 12 years old.

Le week-end dernier on a rendu visite a Athenes. Cette excursion etait magnifique. D'abord, on a visite le musee de voitures. Il etait une experience extraordinaire. Mais, la visite a l'Allou Fun Park etait la partie la plus interesante et amusante de cette excursion. La on s'est amuse, on s'est relaxe et on a fait des nouvelles connaisances. J'ai passe des moments agreables. J'aimerais vraiement y aller une fois encore.
Christine Zorba 16 ans.

 A Visit to Allou Fun Park

We went to Allou Fun Park during our visit to Athens last Sunday. The teachers and the children went to many games like “The Crazy Mouse”, “The House of Fear” and “The Star Fly”.
The Crazy Mouse” is a small train that goes fast and up and down. It was fantastic! “The Star Fly” is my favourite game because it sends you really high. The last one was “The House of Fear”. There was one house with ten bedrooms. There were phantoms everywhere. It was horrible! I wanted to run away from there.
I loved this trip. It was really cool because it was the first time I went to Allou Fun Park without my parents.
Dimitra Sfika 12 years old.

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