An Imaginary Story

This past summer something unbelievable happened, which was pretty exciting. A dog bit me so I went to the hospital. There the doctors told me some 
bad news about my health which the surgeon didn't. They had to amputate my leg. The surgery didn't go well because the surgeon had amputated my arm. Then I heard that my sister was ill but I didn't mind. After several hours I found out that I had won the lottery and immediately I decided to put a bionic arm. However there was a malfunction with the arm's battery. After that I noticed that I had another problem so I visited the doctor again. Because he was in surgery, I waited several hours for him to finish. While I was waiting a beautiful nurse came to calm me down and it was love at first sight for me. Seeing the doctor was taking forever I drove the nurse home and in the car she told me that she was in love with someone else. At that point I turned the car around and went back to the hospital. When we got back, while I was waiting in the waiting room, another beautiful nurse approached me but I had no interest. I then decided to go to the hospital's church to talk to the priest and there my future changed. The priest was a kamikazi priest and he tried to kill everyone by setting off a bomb. I went to deactivate the bomb because the police weren't anywhere near the hospital. I realized I couldn't deactivate the bomb so I ran out of the hospital. Unfortunately while I was running out of fear I fell off a cliff. I was taken to the hospital again to have head surgery. That too went wrong and instead of having head surgery they cut off both of my legs. I stayed in the hospital for several days to have the head surgery. That went well except for the fact that the doctors had also taken out my left eye by mistake. I really didn't mind at least I was still alive. I was released from the hospital and I went straight to a cafeteria for a coffee. The coffee was bad and I had a stomach ache. I returned to the hospital and had stomach surgery. After several days and using only one arm I left the hospital and on my way home a mosquito stung me and I went into a coma. After months I woke up as a living zombie with two arms and two legs. Walking around town a dog bit me…................

By Proficiency Class Students: Bill Panos, Alex Tolis, Orestis Souzas, Kostas Tsiligiannis, Sakis Kyritsis


  1. what great imaginations

  2. good job and all from a song

  3. And you got this from a song--here comes are next blockbuster.
